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Tubular Breast Deformity Surgery

Development of the breasts is important in determining the size and shape. When the tissue is constricted, the breasts may not develop normally, resulting in asymmetry and other deformities. Some women experience breast development issues that result in narrow, smaller breasts that are often uneven. At pēkomd® cosmetic surgery center in Toledo, OH, we offer tubular breast deformity surgery to reshape the breasts.

Tuberous breasts are a result of constriction during development. The crease under the breast is often too high, resulting in breast tissue forming in a narrow, tubular shape. Tubular breast deformity has several symptoms, mostly in appearance. Some of the traits of tuberous breast deformity include:

  • Narrow, elongated breasts
  • Small breasts
  • Uneven or asymmetrical breasts
  • Puffy or larger areolas and nipples

While there are no health risks to tubular breast deformity, the appearance of the breasts can affect self-confidence. It can be difficult to find bras that fit correctly, and the breast shape may be noticeable in certain clothing. Cosmetic breast surgery can have a significant improvement on the appearance of the breast, and give these patients a giant boost in their confidence levels.

Tuberous Breast Correction

Tuberous or constricted breasts can be effectively improved with cosmetic surgery. Dr. Peter Koltz is a board certified plastic surgeon who has years of experience performing both cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery. During the breast consultation, Dr. Koltz will examine the breast tissue and discuss the options to reshape the breasts, nipples and areolas. He will listen to the cosmetic goals of the patients and make recommendations for tuberous breast correction.

For many patients with tubular breast deformity, cosmetic surgery can give them the breast size and shape they always wanted. Depending on the aesthetic goals, breast implants may be recommended to achieve the rounder, even breasts desired. Nipple and areola reduction and reshaping are often needed to create a balanced breast appearance.

Are you unhappy with your tuberous breasts? If you want to explore reshaping your breasts through cosmetic surgery, contact our team at pēkomd® in Toledo, OH, to schedule a tubular breast deformity consultation with Dr. Koltz.

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Patient Experience

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Jen. H.

Dr Koltz is one in a million. He sits down and listens to every concern. It’s like meeting with a friend at every consult. He has worked miracles for me on correcting another local surgeon mistake. He is very skilled and knowledgeable in profession. Dr Koltz and his staff treat you like family. I love them and you will too! For me there is no other choice!

Toledo Location

7634 W. Central Avenue

Toledo, OH, 43617

Phone: (567) 408-7356

Dayton Location

6728 Loop Road Suite 301

Dayton, OH, 45459

Phone: (937) 938-1248

Columbus Location

200 W. Wilson Bridge

Worthington, OH, 43085

Phone: (567) 408-7356


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