The earlobes are made from fatty tissue and skin that are very pliable and easily changed. Over time, weight of earrings combined with gravity, aging and other factors can change the size and shape of the earlobes. Many people experience stretched or elongated earlobes as they get older, to the point where the earlobes look unnaturally long. At pēkomd® cosmetic surgery center, we offer earlobe reduction surgery at our clinic in Toledo, OH.
Earrings are the main cause of earlobe stretching, but aging also contributes to this condition. Reduction in collagen and elastin in the skin allows sagging to occur on the face, body and even the earlobes. Heavy earrings can add to the problem, pulling earlobes down. As the elasticity wanes with age, the earlobes stretch and elongate, unable to reshape the same way they did in younger years. Long earlobes can look unflattering and may contribute to an older appearance.
Not all long earlobes are caused by aging. Some people are born with longer earlobes or may have one lobe that is longer than another. Regardless of the cause of larger earlobes, an earlobe reduction or “lobe lift” surgery can create the desired earlobe size and shape.
Earlobe Reshaping or Lift Surgery
Reshaping the earlobe can create a more balanced, attractive and youthful ear appearance. Dr. Peter Koltz at pēkomd® is a board certified plastic surgeon who can carefully reshape or lift the earlobes for an improved aesthetic look. Most earlobe reduction procedures can be performed as an outpatient surgery with only local anesthesia required. The earlobe is numbed completely before it is resized and shaped into the desired appearance. Dr. Koltz will carefully place the incisions to hide the scars for discreet, natural results. Once the earlobe heals, it can be pierced again if the piercing hole was closed during the procedure.
If you have abnormally large earlobes or they have stretched as you got older, earlobe reduction surgery can restore a more balanced appearance. To learn more about earlobe lifts or reshaping options, contact us at pēkomd® cosmetic surgery center. Call our office in Toledo, OH, to schedule an earlobe reduction consultation with Dr. Peter Koltz.