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7 Reasons to Book Routine Facials

woman hold pekomd card

Skin health is akin to a beautiful journey, full of ups and downs, changes, and revelations. At PekoMD in Toledo, we believe that routine facials are the compass guiding you towards luminous, radiant skin. Much more than just a spa day treat, these treatments can be a game-changer in your skincare regime. Let’s dive into… Continue reading

FAQs on Chin Implants

surgery in peko

The chin plays a pivotal role in the balance and harmony of the facial features. A well-defined chin can enhance one’s profile, bringing symmetry and confidence to one’s appearance. For those who feel their chin doesn’t quite match their facial aesthetic, chin implants might be the solution. At PekoMD in Toledo, we specialize in providing… Continue reading

Understanding Breast Implant Illness (BII)

peko doctor during operation close up of a nurse cap with drawn breasts

Breast augmentation remains one of the most popular cosmetic procedures worldwide. While the majority of women are satisfied with their results, some report a range of symptoms post-surgery, collectively referred to as Breast Implant Illness (BII). At PekoMD in Toledo, our patients’ safety and well-being are our top priorities. This is why we’re committed to… Continue reading

Is Your Medication Aging Your Skin?

pekomd patient during a cosmetic rejuvenation treatment

If your skin is aging faster than you’d like it to, you are not alone. Many adults turn to the external factors that can cause thin, wrinkled or dry skin, such as sun exposure or improper skin care regimes. However, it may be coming from within. In fact, your premature skin aging could be coming… Continue reading

Labiaplasty: Debunking Myths and Misconceptions

Dr. Peter Koltz performing plastic surgery.

The world of aesthetic medicine has seen a remarkable evolution over the years, with procedures available now that cater to diverse and individualized needs. One such procedure, labiaplasty, has garnered significant attention. Yet, like many treatments that touch upon intimate areas of our bodies, it’s shrouded in myths and misconceptions. At PekoMD, we prioritize education,… Continue reading

When is the Best Time for a Mommy Makeover?

pekomd mommy makeover

Motherhood is an extraordinary journey, filled with countless moments of joy and challenges. While the rewards of being a mom are immeasurable, pregnancy and postpartum can bring about several physical changes that might not align with your pre-pregnancy self. Enter the Mommy Makeover – a transformative series of procedures aimed at restoring and enhancing the… Continue reading

Reasons to Consider Breast Augmentation: Beyond Just Size

peko doctor at work

For many, the term “breast augmentation” conjures up images of dramatic size increases and celebrity transformations. However, the realm of breast augmentation is far more nuanced and individualized than most people realize. It’s not just about amplifying size, but about enhancing natural beauty, restoring confidence, and achieving a balance that feels right for the individual.… Continue reading

Restoring Youthful Eyes: Understanding and Treating Droopy Eyelids

peko md doctor performing surgery

The eyes are often referred to as the windows to the soul, and they play a significant role in expressing emotions and enhancing facial aesthetics. However, when droopy eyelids become a concern, they can impact not only your appearance but also your vision and overall confidence. At PekoMD, we specialize in providing effective solutions for… Continue reading

Can Lasers Diminish Your Stretch Marks?

specialist during performing a laser treatment

Stretch marks, those wavy lines that appear on our skin, can be a source of self-consciousness for many individuals. Whether caused by pregnancy, rapid weight gain or loss, or hormonal changes, these marks can linger long after the initial event. If you’re looking for an effective solution to minimize the appearance of stretch marks and… Continue reading

The Best Candidate for a Short-Scar Arm Lift

surgery in peko

Are you self-conscious about the appearance of your upper arms? Excess skin, sagging tissue, and stubborn fat can be frustrating, making you feel less confident and hesitant to wear certain clothing. Luckily, advancements in plastic surgery offer a solution: the short-scar arm lift, also known as brachioplasty. At pēkomd, we understand the importance of personalized… Continue reading

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Patient Experience

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Nicole S.

“Absolutely love the staff, Dr. Koltz and my results! My breast augmentation is the perfect size, healing up nicely and exactly what I asked for. The Doctor was honest and helpful every step of the way. The staff is so kind and they really pamper you upon each visit.”

Toledo Location

7634 W. Central Avenue

Toledo, OH, 43617

Phone: (567) 408-7356

Dayton Location

6728 Loop Road Suite 301

Dayton, OH, 45459

Phone: (419) 277-3324

Oregon Location

3458 Navarre Avenue

Oregon, OH, 43616

Phone: (567) 408-7356


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